Acai Berry For Weight Loss? Honest Acai Pills Free Trail Review

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

As a dieter I am constantly on the look out for great diet supplements. However, I don't want the typical supplement, that taste awful, boost up my metabolism and then two hours later I crash and burn. I want a supplement I can depend on and be assured of its effects. One that actually delivers to my expectations. A friend told me about the Acai Berry Supplements and Acai free trials. She explained all of the benefits she experienced while using the supplement, such as:

  • Unlike other supplements and fruit, these berries target the whole body, such as the heart, muscles, immune system and mind.
  • The berries have more nutritional value the any other fruit in the world. Research prove that the berries have approximately 15 times more antioxidants then common fruits found in the grocery store.
  • Increase metabolism, Increase energy without the awful feeling and crashing
  • Controlled appetite
  • Unlike other supplements these berries supplements taste great

I was sold at increase metabolism and great tasting. However, I wanted to do my own research and find out more information about a free trial. Sure enough, my research confirmed that all the information that my friend told me about the diet supplement was accurate and clinically proven. Not to mention I found many free trials. Some more legit then others. However, most offered a free trial at as little as one dollar for shipping and handling. I was amazed. I decided to pursue the same route as my friend to be on the safe side.

I ordered my Free sample of Acai and Colon Cleanse from I only paid Shipping costs for both the trials and the bottles for both the products arrived in about 4 days.

I am 100% sure you will be satisfied with this product, I have already placed repeat orders for several bottles which I'm hoping will keep me going for another couple of months.


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