Weight Loss - What Are the Causes of Weight Cycling

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Do you find you find your weight frequently yo-yoing up and down? Do you tend to go through repeat periods of experiencing exciting weight loss followed by discouraging weight regain?

According to the Federal Weight Control Information Network, the cycle may be small, say 5-10 pounds up and down, or large, more than 50 pounds lost and regained repeatedly.

Weight Cycling Causes

The reasons for the weight cycle are often linked to the following four causes:
  • Selecting a diet that is too extreme or unrealistic for the long term. This would include "fad" or "crash" diets. They tend to be hard to stick with because you start to feel deprived.

  • Using poor techniques that cause you to overeat, such as skipping meals or doing well with your diet during the week but "taking a break" on weekends.

  • Unrealistic goals - Yes it'd be great to say you can fit into your old high school jeans, but is that really realistic?

  • Not surrounding yourself with a support system. Are the people around you health conscious and supportive of your new healthy actions or do they tempt you to stray?

Difficulty Stopping the Cycle

Oftentimes, your body finds a weight it likes and doesn't want to change. So, you have biology working against you.

Your body uses hormones, such as leptin, to monitor your calorie needs and body fat. When you start to lose weight hormone levels change and your body reacts. Usually your body thinks "I'm starving" and switches to conservation mode by decreasing your metabolism (the rate your burn calories) to conserve energy and protect fat stores. In other words, you body is preparing for a famine. When this occurs you'll typically begin to feel the urge to eat more.

So, let's say your calorie intake gradually goes back up to your pre-diet level. At this level you should maintain your previous weight, but since your body has dropped your metabolism, your caloric needs are lower. That means your typical calorie intake which in the past maintained your weight, now leads to weight gain.

A cycle that is very difficult to overcome, but I don't know many who say losing weight is easy.

Lisa Nelson

You'll receive free heart health and weight loss tips from dietitian Lisa Nelson when you subscribe to The Heart of Health and grab your FREE subscriber exclusive report "Stop Wasting Money - Take Control of Your Health" today! Visit http://www.lisanelsonrd.com to learn more.


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